Friday, December 17, 2010


Well, since I forgot where to put this, I'm putting my portfolio on here now:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Celebrity Politicians

When first reading this story, I thought it was incredibly funny. It used a crazy, impossible scenario to describe a controversial real world problem. The economy's state of stability (or lack there of) is something everyone can relate to and understand. By using celebrities it adds a lightness to heavy topic. I am sure that some people may have taken this offensively and look at it as though James McMurrow Jr. was taking a stab at the government, when in actuality, he was trying to point out the no one is perfect, celebrities would be terrible people to have in government and that we elect people for their conservativeness in government. It may not be perfect, but it will take time and instead of pointing fingers we need to remember why we elected people in the first place.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Video Project

My essay is going to be on how cheerleading influenced my life and gave me skills to help me in the real world. I have been cheerleading since the age of seven and have been in 11 competitions, and two invitationals. Cheerleading has helped me develop a sense of responsibility, given me leadership and problem solving skills, as well as allowing me to leave my problems at the door and focusing 100% to get something done. I also believe that cheerleading has helped me with presentation and public speaking skills. I'm not afraid to talk in front of large crowds, or be in the limelight. This really pays off when I have presentations for classes or work.